
Rainfall 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Average Total
mm/5min % % % % % % %
0.1 64.11 64.03 67.74 69.47 68.25 66.72 66.7
0.2 19.78 20.93 18.40 16.93 18.94 18.99 85.7
0.3 8.24 8.64 7.39 6.84 6.51 7.52 93.2
0.4 3.55 2.7 2.96 2.84 2.74 2.96 96.2

The table shows that more than 96% of rainfall occurs with an intensity of up to 0.4 mm / 5 min. With a roof area of 150 m², a rainfall of 0.4 mm / 5 min corresponds to an inflow of 0.2 L / s maximum.